A simple DIY: creamy homemade deodorant (vegan and toxin-free)

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Wild afternoon! We all may emphasize the importance of natural and organic ingredients in our cosmetics, but we often tend to forget about deodorant, which is a daily thing. Because there are numerous toxic ingredients in most store-bought deodorants, I decided to take up a quest and focus on my own homemade deodorant, without any beeswax.

Finding a good natural deodorant that actually works was a painful process, which is why I decided to make one for myself. This is an easy and beginner-friendly recipe, that’s also vegan and packed with ingredients that you know and understand.

I have tested this deodorant for the past few years on several occasions; I also made a few for my friends and my mum so that they could test it and report back. When I first started using it, I was thrilled to notice how well it worked. Until it didn’t. Unlike my bentonite clay deodorant, which I still use during the colder months of the year, this one didn’t hold well, in the long run, no matter how physically not/active I was. So I decided to look for a natural but stronger alternative that would do its job properly.

After dozens of failed tests and money thrown out the window, I finally found something that was reliable, easy to apply, and also natural. Hug Me Deodorant from Blume has been massively popular, with stellar reviews and very satisfied customers.

I was glad to discover that I’m one of them too. But, not everyone loves it because it contains baking soda (unlike this one I mention in my bentonite clay recipe). I don’t mind since my skin didn’t react on it in any way; in fact, this deodorant helps to keep me stink-free and I love the fact that it’s unscented without any strong unpleasant fragrance.

It’s creamy and easy to apply and it easily lasts a whole day (except during the hottest summer days when I’m out all day, walking around and sweating severely). I have been using it for a little less than 2 years, recommending it to friends that have no problem using something that contains baking soda.

homemade deodorant without beeswax

What ingredients should you avoid in deodorant?

You probably heard it all before. I did too. Deodorants are nasty, deodorants are toxic. Deodorants are not good for you. Right? Well, …they are not. A while back I read that they even boost the appearance of breast cancer in women and men as well. The number of toxins gathered in there is unbelievable.

On the other hand, my deodorant was the last thing to go from my bathroom cupboard. I loved that deodorant, it was resilient and it lasted through anything. Anything!

So one day I took a closer look at what was in there. And here’s what I found:

1.      Aluminum

While the aluminum actually prevents you from sweating, it is also absorbed by your skin. sweating isn’t necessarily a bad thing; by sweating your body releases the toxins, which normally stay in the armpit are when using a deodorant that contains aluminum.

2.      Parabens (methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl, and butyl)

These are a quite common ingredient in many cosmetic products. In this study (and I’m sure there’s more of where this came from) the parabens are linked to breast cancer.

3.      Phthalates

Often listed on the ingredient list as fragrance, phthalates help dissolve other ingredients. They have however been known do unbalance the hormonal function and cause (amongst others) infertility, allergies, asthma, liver, and kidney damage. Oh, and cancer, also breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer. I’m not trying to be funny here, I’m just amazed, every time I read a list of ingredients, what all these possible things contain.

4.      Propylene glycol

Another beauty among the health hazards, this one can cause allergic reactions and potentially can also cause kidney and liver damage (but we’re only trying not to smell, right?).

5.      Triclosan

Triclosan can irritate skin. The FDA has actually listed this ingredient as a pesticide; so in our right mind, why would we even put pesticides on our food, let alone our bodies?

How do you make a deodorant? (isn’t it like…so complicated?)

I’ve been wondering for quite a long time the dreaded question: but, how do you make homemade deodorant? There was one cold November morning when I finally decided to look into it, conduct a thorough research and to this day I have been more than happy with my results.

I have been testing my homemade antiperspirant for four months (that’s also how long it actually lasted me) and these are my notes:

1.    First to come is the detox period.

The most important thing I prepared myself for, was the detox-period. Our armpits are actually full of those nasty ingredients and whatnot and it takes some time to get over the phase. Some people need a few days, some a few weeks. I was fine after two weeks.

2.    Certain essential oils are a must

Secondly, there is little to no variation when it comes to the essential oil choice. I read too many comments and reviews on essential oil combo, but the majority of gals insists on lavender and tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is especially important and even though I want to experiment and change the recipe in the future, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable without it. I’ll explain this in more detail further on.

3.    This homemade deodorant lasts a long time

What I was most happy about (apart from the fact that this homemade antiperspirant is very toxin-free) is the fact that a little goes a long way. Only a pea-size (or less) on each underarm can last a long time.

My own homemade deodorant with tapioca

vegan homemade deodorant with tapioca

Before the recipe, these are the natural and organic ingredients I used in my homemade deodorant without beeswax. I did find an excellent substitute for that which is great for any vegan DIY cosmetics.

Shea butter

Shea butter is one of my favorite natural and organic ingredients when it comes to making anything skin-creamy-nourishing related. I use it for mild daily burns (you know, the occasional fight with my oven), lotions, body butters (this creamy whipped right here!), I add it to my homemade lip balms (right here). Now, the unrefined version of shea butter has a mild nutty scent, but I adore it for some reason.

The butter itself is very nurturing for the skin, it leaves the skin smooth and soft. It’s very moisturizing, with its anti-inflammatory it offers a natural protection to the skin, boosts its healing process and fills it with goodies such as vitamins A and E, and essential fatty acids. What’s more, it provides the skin with the nutrients essential for collagen production.

Coconut oil

There is no life without coconut oil. It’s useful all around, it takes care of an itchy scalp, dry hair, it boosts teeth health, and everything else that it touches. Cooking, natural remedies, natural and organic ingredients for any DIY recipe, coconut oil is there and it’s there to stay.

Moisturizing, nourishing, soothing with healing properties. It improves digestion, aids in yeast infection and boosts the immune system.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil is very moisturizing and very beneficial for the skin also because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It also aids in acne problem and psoriasis, speeds skin healing. Your skin will be smooth and well hydrated.

Tapioca flour

I had no cornstarch in my house (plus, I’ve read that cornstarch may not be the best for my underarms) so I decided to substitute it with tapioca flour, which I have a lot of. It’sgluten-freee, and it’s great for thickening, binding recipes.

Candelilla wax

Candelilla wax is a vegan alternative to beeswax. I use it a lot, and it makes a great substitute. The only thing that I’m not overly excited about is the smell. Candelilla wax has a specific scent once melted and that scent then formulates the final scent of the product I make. I cover it up quite easily with other ingredients and the essential oils, but for your information.

The wax is vegetable wax and quite easily absorbable. The wax comes from a succulent that grows in dry and hot climates (Northern Mexico, southern Texas). Candelilla wax is also an emulsifier; it provides easier application of this deodorant.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is a must in this recipe. I’ve seen recipes online without the tea tree, but I am not ready to trust making this deodorant without it. Why? Well, tea tree oil eliminates body odor. It’s both antimicrobial (destroys the bacteria that causes the smell). It’s more or less a coconut oil among the essential oils. Due to its antioxidant properties is very beneficial for the skin, either to eliminate dark spots or to simply keep it healthy. It’s also one of the best natural and organic natural remedies for an itchy scalp and acne.

Lavender essential oil

Speaking of acne, lavender oil is one of the most popular natural aids when it comes to acne. It’s also soothing, relaxing, and calming, but I included it into this recipe because I’m a bit obsessed with lavender lately, and because it boosts blood circulation, is a natural disinfectant and it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Cedarwood essential oil

Cedarwood is a great match with lavender, I believe. Its antiseptic, tonic, and astringent. This oil prevents infections, reduces inflammation, among other things. It’s also a natural remedy for oily skin, and I believe it goes great with citruses, especially bergamot.

Vitamin E oil

While this oil is not a preservative, it’s an antioxidant, a nutrient, and very beneficial for the skin as it also has anti-aging properties. Vitamin E also goes by the name of tocopherol. You can say it can be used as a preservative, but only in oil-based products.

Creamy homemade deodorant without beeswax

Combining only the best natural and organic ingredients can provide great results in this homemade deodorant. It’s fairly easy to make it, so don’t let the large amounts of ingredients fool you. Just add it one by one and you should be fine.

I absolutely adore this deodorant, even though I haven’t tested it for very hot climates (namely summer). Will update this when I get to it.

Creamy Natural Homemade Deodorant (vegan)


– 2 TBSP organic coconut oil
– 2 TBSP shea butter
– 2 TBSP avocado oil
– 0.5 TBSP candelilla wax
– 0.5 TBSP tapioca flour
– 0.5 TBSP baking soda
– 10 drops tea tree essential oil
– 5 drops lavender essential oil
– 10 drops cedarwood essential oil
– 2 drops vitamin E oil


  1. Melt candelilla wax in a double boiler over medium heat until barely melted
  2. Add coconut oil and stir with a spoon, until almost melted
  3. Remove from heat and wait for a little for the mixture to cool down slightly
  4. Add shea butter and melt it in the liquid mixture (place back into the double boiler if you need more heat)
  5. When all three ingredients are completely liquefied, stir well
  6. Add baking soda and tapioca flour; stir well until there all the ingredients are well combined (without any lumps)
  7. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, add avocado oil, stir well
  8. Add essential oils, stir well
  9. Pour the mixture into a clean jar
  10. Apply with the flat end of a spoon (I use a popsicle stick)


1. You only need a pea-size for each underarm. The deodorant will melt once it comes into contact with your skin

2. You can omit the avocado oil if you have none, or substitute it with another oil you have (olive, jojoba, argan). The process and amount are the same.

3. I melt candelilla first because it takes the longest time to melt; shea and coconut liquefy much faster

Stay Wild!

Have you made this recipe? Tag us on Instagram #wildfordiy

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    1. Christian Iovino

      Great post. This was very informative . It`s always nice to learn about new ideas. Thank you.

    2. hello, I usually make my deodorant with beeswax but want a vegan option. I made it without any beeswax or candelilla and it came out too creamy. I have no local candelilla wax available to me but do have soy wax, do you think it would have the same effect?

      Thank you!

      • Hey Ana, I dont really have much experience with soy wax. From what I know is that it’s much softer than candelilla and beeswax. If I’d use it, I’d add more than beeswax but have no idea what will the consistency look like after. Hope that helps!

      • Hey Jai, this worked out great for the cold months; I’ve used it a lot but come summer, it wasn’t as functional anymore. I developed a new recipe and started using this deodorant with bentonite clay. In my experience, it works much better even though I had positive and negative feedback from my friends; some love it, others think it’s not good enough. I’d still suggest you try making it and then let me know how it works for you! Hope this helps, happy DIYing!

    3. Hi! I’ve struggled with a good vegan DIY deodorant that will work for me during summer months. I found a recipe with beeswax that is similar to this one, and I subbed in Candelila wax. It works really well and even made some deodorant for my dad who loves this stuff!

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